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Your Readers Club subscription comes with exclusive access to a collection of Wintergreen Crime stories featuring the retired detective Bill O’Shea.
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Haven’t we all made mistakes we hope will stay buried in the past?
This is certainly true of retired detective Bill O’Shea’s neighbor, Phyllis Spooner. Phyllis is her seventies in the sixties. Those were the hippie years, and she signed up for the whole program. Rock ’n’ roll. Protests. Drugs. Free love. Mostly it was fun. But when she ran short of money, she made a bad decision.
Fifty years later, a blackmailer tries to ruin Phyllis’s life, and Bill swings into action.
Back When Cars Were Cars
When Bill’s friend from South Carolina shows up and asks for help with a case, Bill devises a clever con to catch a con man. To make his plan work, Bill pulls in his friend Krista Jackson, a communications officer with the Wintergreen PD.
Krista is game and plays her part well, but Bill knows it’s a toss up—his plan might work or the whole thing could go to hell.
A Merrier Terrier Christmas
On the morning of Wintergreen’s annual holiday dance, a Westie named Sport is kidnapped. Bill wants to bring in the police, but Sport’s owner won’t let him. Unfortunately, when the ransom is paid, Sport is not returned. Can Bill find Sport and catch the villain, or will Wintergreen miss the holidays this year?
Thank you for reading the Wintergreen Crime Story Collection. If you enjoyed Bill’s adventures, you’re in for a real treat when you read The Wintergreen Mystery Series.
Wintergreen Mystery Series Links
The Mountain View Murder (Book One)
Amazon ebook: https://amzn.to/3grHsr6
Amazon paperback: https://amzn.to/3ADp1tP
Apple ebook: https://apple.co/3OQ1iuJ
Barnes & Noble ebook: https://bit.ly/3AESV0X
KOBO ebook: https://bit.ly/3ao92oY
The Overlook Murder (Book Two)
Amazon ebook: https://amzn.to/3xwNBJw
Amazon paperback: https://amzn.to/3Nmjyei
Apple ebook: https://apple.co/3Q5DEes
Barnes & Noble ebook: https://bit.ly/3NkbFGx
KOBO ebook: https://bit.ly/3SxWJr9
Murder in White (Book Three) and Murder at Dawn (Book Four) are available in the same stores.
Mrs. Spooner’s Free-Spirit Days. Copyright © 2022 by Chaparral Press LLC
Back When Cars Were Cars. Copyright © 2022 by Chaparral Press LLC
A Merrier Terrier Christmas. Copyright © 2022 by Chaparral Press LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information contact Chaparral Press LLC, 2402 Sutherland St., Austin, TX 78746.
Published in ebook by Chaparral Press LLC.
This is a work of fiction. Some of the locations, restaurants, and other places referenced in the novel are real; however, the names, characters, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or events at a particular locale or to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.